Bafte Azadi mfg.Co.

Bafte Azadi mfg.Co.

Subject: Manufacture of fabrics and products of national and religious flags

Province: Tehran

Address: Bafte Azadi Factory, Insurance corner 1, not reached to Ekbatan, Special road, Azadi Sq., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 44 65 51 11 - 14 ، 021 - 44 63 55 00

Fax: 021 - 44 64 98 03

More Information: Bafte Azadi, with its complete equipment in the textile industry and specialized forces, tries to produce fabrics and cultural products suitable for our dear compatriots.
Baft Azadi Production Company with facilities such as:
- Design unit of Bafte Azadi company: is equipped with the most modern devices and software related to design, and the design of all printed products, including cultural products, clothing, curtains and sheets, is one of the capabilities of this unit.
- Laboratory unit of Bafte Azadi Company: The laboratory of the company as a scientific and technical base of the factory with the support of 50 years of experience and benefiting from specialized and experienced staff and advanced laboratory equipment by providing technical instructions of production process and quality management to improve product quality and services Novin Tech and Consulting is taking steps to satisfy customers.
- Sampling and printing: In this unit, a small sample of the main frame for customer viewing is done in a laboratory and test, which is called the initial (quality) of the work.
- Stencil making: Stencil frame - Touring - Varnishing - Photography - Emergence - Reinforcement.
- Weaving services: weaving - linen - Rachel - broodry.
- Completing services: Dyeing - Printing - Washing - Completing - Scratching - Screw press and packing
Products :
- National and religious flags: headband with religious slogans, string flags, religious flags, religious inscriptions, national flags of Iran
- Curtains, sofa shirts, clothes: Brilliant curtains, printed fabric sack curtains, crepes, sheets, manteau fabrics, mesh, Chanel

number of visits : 418
Date of Registration : 1398-08-21
Expiration date : 1403-08-21

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