Ariana Ring Co.

Ariana Ring Co.

Subject: Producers of Tire Rings for Road and Farming Heavy Machinery

Province: East Azerbaijan

Address: No. 5-5, First Sanaat St., Aali Nasab Industrial Complex, Tehran Rd., Tabriz - IRAN

Phone: 041 - 36 30 91 50 - 53

Fax: 041 - 36 30 91 54

Mobile: 0914 - 116 18 20

More Information: Ariana Ring Company is established in 1985 in Tabriz, under the name of Khayyami Trailer Manufacturer, and since 1991, continues its activities with present name and is one of the most successful producers of tire rings for road and farming heavy machinery. The major characteristic of Ariana Ring, which causes its difference and superiority, is focusing on research and development activities (R&D) and achieving innovative ideas about development of the products and design of new products and quality improvement, resulted in many inventions registered by the company and several rewards received.
In design of new products, the main idea comes from market needs and customer's technical, qualitative, and economical demands. So establishing R&D and Quality Control (QC) units alongside the production unit is one of the basic works of the company and has been done since the establishment of the company.
The organizational chart of the company comprises of Production, R&D, QC, and Commercial Units and as an advantage, the managers of these units are members of a family. Using specialties and experiences of other industries as consultants is another advantage which covers the expert vacancies of the company in such a way that now the management is ready to receive any orders for design and manufacturing of various kinds of three-piece tire rings

number of visits : 3438
Date of Registration : 1395-04-06
Expiration date : 1404-06-07

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1395-04-06 01:31:54