Archen Consulting Co.

Archen Consulting Co.

Subject: Consulting engineering services in the fields of architechtural design and construction

Province: Tehran

Address: No 17, 23 St., Jahan Ara St., Yusef Abad Area, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 00 26 83

Fax: 021 - 88 63 73 66

More Information: Archen Consulting Company was founded in 1967 by Mr. Kourosh Farzami, Mr. Sirous Shahrdar, Mr. Houshang Moniyi, and Ms. Aghdas Vafa,
and still continues to work in the fields of architechtural design and construction under the same name.
During the yreas, the company has carried out various projects, sometimes working in cooperation with European consulting companies.
The cooperating European consulting companies have been:
ANPRULT PARAT Consulting Company - France (University of Tehran's Residential Complex)
Dr. TONNA SINNI's Architechtural Firm - Italy (Akam Beach Complex)
CVS Consulting Company - Italy (Rooz Daroo, Iran Hormone, Pharmaceutical Company)
VEGTERV Consulting Company - Hungary (Unido Pharmaceutical Raw Material Production Company)
STUDIO INTEQNATE Consulting Company - England (Saba Naft Commercial Office Complex)
In 1986 the original shareholders left and the new shareholders who had been working in company for years took over the management.

number of visits : 480
Date of Registration : 1396-01-20
Expiration date : 1404-02-27

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