Hamayesh Farazan Co.

Hamayesh Farazan Co.

Subject: The organizing international seminars and conferences

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 3, 19 Orfi Shirazi St., North Sheikh Bahai Street, Molla Sadra, Tehran - Iran

Phone: 021 - 88 05 94 30 - 31

Fax: 021 - 88 05 94 30 - 31

More Information: Hamayesh Farazan Company as the most predominant international event organizer in Iran has designed and executed more than 150 big international events within the last 13 years.
This company holds the most updated and largest required equipment for conferences such as sound and video devices, and simultaneous translation equipment which can thoroughly fulfill any conference needs.
Hamayesh Farazan Company has thus far planned and executed educational business tours for top Iranian managers and entrepreneurs by the contracts it held with the world’s forerunner companies i.e. Toyota, Montblanc, VW, Mercedes, Airbus, Zara, Schindler, Lindt, Sennheiser, Vodafone etc. to Germany, Spain, Switzerland, and Japan.
Over 500 top Iranian managers and entrepreneurs have attended these tours and further developed their managerial skills.

number of visits : 568
Date of Registration : 1396-01-21
Expiration date : 1404-02-20

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