Tehran Shabahang Co.

Tehran Shabahang Co.

Subject: Provision of services cold storage warehouse and warehousing

Province: Tehran

Address: 5 kilometer To the East, Second kamarbandi, after Kahrizak gas station,Tehran-Qom old road,Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 56 52 80 00 ، 021 - 56 52 80 70

Fax: 021 - 56 52 81 93

Mobile: 0912 - 125 95 70 ، 0912 - 230 30 33

More Information: HTehran Shabahang Agro-Industry Company was organized in year 2005 for formation and construction of red meat, chicken and fish processing, sorting, and packing. In this line, the first phase of Tehran Shabahang Double-circuit cold storage warehouse with capacity of 10,000 tons and equipped with most modern machineries and equipment consisting of most precise weighbridges, emergency generator, on-line fire alarm system, most recent warehousing software systems, and dry warehouse with capacity of more than 50,000 tons. This warehouse has been constructed on a plot of land measuring 165,000 square meters located at Second kamarbandi, Kahrizak, Tehran and is active in servicing customers.
Cold Storage Warehouse : The services of Tehran Shabahang Cold Storage Warehouse are economical, reliable, and safe solution to storage of your goods and products. We manage your products and goods in the most efficient and safest ways at lowest cost. Capacity of more than 10,000 tons and modern machinery and facilities such as most precise weighbridges, emergency generator, on-line fire alarm system, and most recent warehousing software systems assist Tehran Shabahang Cold Storage Warehouse in rendering its services.
Warehousing : Having warehouse with capacity over 50,000 tons, Tehran Shabahang Cold Storage Warehouse is prepared to store different commercial goods on a piece of land measuring 20 hectares. Possibility of comprehensive storage and freeze warehousing, capability of storage in different temperature, on-line fire alarm, and the most modern warehousing software systems are among warehousing possibilities and services.
Transportation : Tehran Shabahang Cold Storage Warehouse offers vast transport services to its customers

number of visits : 995
Date of Registration : 1396-01-21
Expiration date : 1404-02-07

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خسرو بختیاری
1398-05-23 21:22:14
با سلام، لطفا ایمیل آدرس مستقیم و مدیریت و بازرگانی شرکت را برایمان بفرستید تا رزومه و توانمندی هایی که در اروپا خصوصا آلمان داریم را برای شما ارسال و ببینیم درپروژه های مختلف شما ، چه کمکی می توانیم بکنیم و کجای کار شرکت شما قرار خواهیم گرفت و احیانا با همکاری و صلاحدید شما بتوانیم بخشی از واردات و صادرات شما را انجام دهیم . با تقدیم احترام - بختیاری، مدیر بازرگانی و بازاریابی شرکت های جی ام اس ، پانیتک آلمان و هوهانک چین 1- جی ام اس آلمان 2- پانیتک آلمان 3- هوهانگ چین