Shahrezaei Trading Co.

Shahrezaei Trading Co.

Subject: Importer of Chocolates, Chewing gums, Gummy candies, different types of coffee and its mixed powders, drinking powders, dessert powders and diapers

Province: Tehran

Address: Fourth Floor, No.19, Sixth Street, Ahmad Qasir (Bucharest) St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 85514

Fax: 021 - 88 73 24 43

More Information: About Us Shahrezaei Golpayegani Trading Co. was established in 12/05/2004 with the aim of exporting and importing food products.
Concurrent with progress of technology in manufacturing pastry and chocolate in the world, on the one hand and import of low quality products from illegal entries to the country, on the other hand, Shahrezaei Golpayegani Trading Co., with obtaining the necessary permits from competent authorities, has embarked on import and distribution of a variety of high quality sweets and chocolates which are in accordance with Iranian and European standards.
After getting official permission of import from commerce and health ministries, the company has made all its efforts to import food products and pastry and chocolate(confectionary) in line with the policies of the aforementioned ministries.
This company is of the leading importers of the pastry and chocolate (confectionary) in the country. All the products of Golpayegani company have health permission license and are registered in the ministries of health and commerce of Iran. Golpayegani company's products are all produced according to acceptable standards of the country. This company, after obtaining the health permission license from the health ministry and offering release documents to monitoring agencies, has received the merchandise release permission and release the shipment from the customs of entry.
By law, the ministry of health and medical education will send sample of the imported products in the port of entry or after obtaining the release certificate in the customs warehouse every six months, and sends the products' samples to the laboratory to conform them with the acceptable standards. The products which include mandatory standard are also tested in each release by accrediate laboratories of Iran standard institute(ISIRI).
By the same token and following the implementation of PMS project, the company send all samples of its imported products once a year to reputable laboratories.
Shahrezaei Golpayegani Trading Co. has already registered 6 food production factories and 1 hygenic factory from Turkey. The main policy of the company is," Import high quality products, which are approved by health ministry and standard institute, has produced by factories which have reputable food safety management system(FSMS) certificates such as ISO 22OOO, IFS and BRC".
Food Producing factories registered by Golpayegani Company include BALABAN, ALTUNSA, KENT, LIDERSAN, MISBIS and SOLEN.
The imported products of the company include Chocolates, Chewing gums, Gummy candies, different types of coffee and its mixed powders, drinking powders, dessert powders and diapers.

number of visits : 1442
Date of Registration : 1396-01-24
Expiration date : 1404-02-27

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