NDJ Company

NDJ Company

Subject: Import and export all kinds of animal poultry feeds, Production and freezing the semen and preserving and embryo transfer

Province: Tehran

Address: Floors 10, Jahad building,the southeastern side of the square,Fatemi Sq., ( jahad Sq.,),Tehran,IRAN

Phone: 021 - 86 03 76 40 ، 021 - 86 03 76 05

Fax: 021 - 86 03 72 65

More Information: Supplying the essential inputs of the cattle breeding programs of the breeders ; Production and freezing the semen and preserving and Embryo transfer ; Importation of the very reliable proven semen from the world wide semen producing companies and distributing them among the farmers ; Production and distribution of the liquid nitrogen and the kinds of nitrogen containers ; Import / export of: all kinds of Animal Poultry feeds (barley, grain, corn, soya and etc) , heifer and bulls and different kinds of selected elite Embryos , red and white meet and live domestic animals , the different kinds of machinery and instruments equipments of animal husbandry.
NDJ has 4 AI centers in IRAN that produce semen and bulls for all the market of IRAN.

number of visits : 1929
Date of Registration : 1396-02-07
Expiration date : 1404-03-11

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شکوفه ظفری
1399-08-26 09:26:33
شرکت کشتیرانی سفینه دریا، آماده ارائه خدمات حمل و نقل دریایی، هوایی و زمینی در زمینه واردات انواع کالا و مواد اولیه به جمهوری اسلامی ایران و ترانزیت به اقصی نقاط جهان، میباشد. منتظر شنیدن صدای گرم شما هستیم. لطفا با شماره 09128707147 و یا 88777788 داخلی 208 و 209 تماس بگیرید. با تقدیم مجدد احترام