Parsian Telecom

Parsian Telecom

Subject: Design, manufacture, supply and support of telecommunications equipment and information, consulting projects for high-speed Internet network, providing the best brand for high-speed Internet

Province: Tehran

Address: No.85, Atefi Gharbi St., Nelson Mandela St. (Jordan), Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 05 94 15

More Information: Parsian Electronic Industries Company, under the brand name of Parsian Telecom, started its activity as the first active group in Vira Parsian Holding with the subject of design, production, supply and support of telecommunication equipment and information. This company is now considered as one of the top telecommunication companies in Iran and has many honors in the field of telecommunications and information technology.
Parsian Electronic Industries Company, by designing the national e-mail of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a leading company in the network security sector in the Information and Communication Technology Festival, received a special badge and a plaque of appreciation from the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also in the routing system of the post protocol of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Parsian Telecom has been responsible for improving the country's post network. This company was recognized as a star of information and communication technology in 2014 and now together with seven big companies in the world including HUAWEI, SINOTELECOM, CORECESS, MOATEL, AEE, CYNIX, ZTE as the largest service and product center in Iran, Bakhsh Azam occupies the telecommunication equipment market of Iran.
Parsian Electronics Industries in the field of high speed internet technology with the cooperation of HUAWEI company is responsible for most of the supply, installation and commissioning of ADSL network in the country and has covered more than 50% of the market share of high speed internet ports by Parsian Telecom.
Consulting in high-speed Internet networking projects, providing the top brand of high-speed Internet equipment, 24-hour product support and unconditional equipment warranty can be called as the main features of Parsian Telecom services.
Regardless of any environmental advertising, this company has been able to shine as the largest supplier of telecommunication equipment, especially in the field of high-speed Internet, relying only on customer orientation.
Products :
- Network security equipment and storage devices, wireless network equipment, wired network equipment, physical protection camera

number of visits : 1301
Date of Registration : 1396-02-17
Expiration date : 1404-02-31

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