FarPAM co.

FarPAM co.

Subject: Manufacturer and importer of single-phase UPS, Lead-acid battery production, The presenter solar power plants

Province: Tehran

Address: No.6, Golden deadlock, NategheNori Street, Golnabi Street, Pasdaran Ave., Tehran,IRAN

Phone: 021 - 24 83 20 00

Fax: 021 - 24 83 20 00

More Information: FarPAM co. was established at 2009 as private company, the company as a team has rapid progress in the field of power, and telecommunication and informatics, our company has been successful in new model of local production by relying on experiences of deserved manager and qualified engineering team.
The company introduced dealership brands such as Delta, SMA, HP, and AEG… and also telecom batteries with competitive quality have been debuted in domestic and abroad market.
Our Company has a significant part of solar power station country market as well as the development of renewable energies and healthy environment, and for EPCF, EPCM has done various projects.
FarPAM is using the merits of experienced and motivated personnel and technical knowledge of the approaches implemented in other countries and also deploying
creative producers and identifying local capabilities intends to itself as one of the principal suppliers of power industry in the country.

number of visits : 1393
Date of Registration : 1396-02-18
Expiration date : 1404-03-11

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