Subject: Manufacturer and exporter of wide range of dried fruits, dried vegetables and dehydrated fruit powder and slice

Province: Tehran

Address: First Floor, No. 195, The northeastern corner of Modarres Highway, Motahari Ave., Tehran, IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 53 88 31 - 32

Fax: 021 - 88 56 12 71

More Information: SEPIDGOL Company, the first and the major manufacturer-exporter of wide range of dried fruits, dried vegetables and dehydrated fruit powder and slice, has been established since 2005. The Company has national and international awards for high quality products and outstanding export performance.
SEPIDGOL has registered the quality of its products in the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The company is a member of Iran’s Standard and Industrial Research Institute.
SEPIDGOL has been able to enter to the global market and export the products to various countries such as Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Emirates, Russia, Saudi Arabia, England, Romania, Japan, Cyprus, Ukraine, etc.
Uncompromising quality control practices and constant supervision by qualified food technologists, made us leader in this industry and allowed us to maintain international quality standards. Through exploiting effective management, skilled staff and constant supervision of quality control unit on fruits drying and storing, the company succeed in producing high quality and competitive products for global market. SEPIDGOL Company has been received the plaque of honor for the best production unit and model entrepreneur in the national Production Festivals for several years.

number of visits : 1379
Date of Registration : 1396-02-28
Expiration date : 1404-03-11

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