Isfahan Chocolate Co.

Isfahan Chocolate Co.

Subject: Produced a variety of free sugar products

Province: Isfahan

Address: No.24, Arbab St., Esfahan - IRAN

Phone: 031 - 32 33 10 00 ، 031 - 36 65 15 02 - 03

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: 0990 - 439 99 42

More Information: Nowadays, in developed countries, it is recommended to use low fat, sugar free, low salt and low calorie food to keep healthy and spread using healthy food as a habit in the most societies. The majority of energetic food contains sugar, one of the important things can be considered is sugar free and dietetic food.
Isfahan Chocolate Company, is one of the pioneers in this industry which succeeded to produce a set of variety sugar free productions as ” Kamvar” trade mark after a lot of researching in research & development ( R&D ) unit of company in 1996 .
In 2006, R&D unit of Isfahan Chocolate Company (” Kamvar“) recognized Stevia in Iran for the first time. After a lot of researches , the company could find Its profits and took a new step in producing sugar free and dietetic products in Iran .This company got license from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) for producing sugar free and dietetic products by using of purified powder that called ” Stevioside ” which is 300 times sweeter than sugar ( Sucrose ) . This powder has natural taste and smell like sugar. It is useful for all people, diabetics, Phenylketonuria (PKU), high blood pressure and fat persons.
Products :
- detetic and sugar free peach candy, dietetic sugar free sugar (sachet), dietetic & sugar free chocolate bran biscuit, dietetic & sugar free barley biscuit, dietetic & sugar free cocoa biscuit, dietetic & sugar free cube sugar (new), Dietetic and free sugar lemon poolaki, Dietetic and free sugar carrot jam, Dietetic and sugar free mint cold candy, Dietetic and sugar free apple canned, Dietetic and sugar free breakfast chocolate cream, Dietetic and sugar free coffe mix, Dietetic and sugar free Strawberry jelly powder, sucralose and AceSulfam cylindrical sweetener pills, Sucralose & Ace Sulpham Sweeteners pills,

number of visits : 1850
Date of Registration : 1395-05-10
Expiration date : 1404-05-29

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