MNA Traffic Eng. Co.

MNA Traffic Eng. Co.

Subject: Manufacturer and Importer of Traffic and Road Safety Equipment

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 9, No.4, Nikkhah Deadlock, Before Somayeh St., Ostad Najatollahi Ave., Tehran, IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 91 51 70 ، 021 - 88 93 04 33

Fax: 021 - 88 91 51 62

More Information: MNA Traffic Eng. Co. is established by a team of engineers with years of experience in designing , manufacturing, importing, trading and installation of different traffic and road safety equipments.
Our main mission is to localise manufacturing technology of various traffic and lighting equipment , focused on new energy sources.
Solar Energy , The Energy of Tomorrow
MNG is focused on engineering and manufacturing of several solar powered traffic products , being one of the leading Iranian manufacturer in the felid. Optimizing energy consumption , insuring functionality of products against the products in remote areas and the areas not connected to the electrical grid , saving operation costs, easy installation …… these are just a few advatantages of using solar traffic products.

number of visits : 1588
Date of Registration : 1396-03-12
Expiration date : 1404-03-15

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