Sabetian Commerce

Sabetian Commerce

Subject: Automation and Pneumatics, Process control and instrumentation, Design and installation of compressed air networks in industries, Air Compressor Spare parts, Gas Reciprocating Compressors troubleshooting, Upgrading, Liquid Filtration systems

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 504, 5th Floor, Bldg15, Larestan St., Motahari Ave .,Tehran 15977 IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 89 32 78 ، 021 - 88 89 91 64

Fax: 021 - 88 89 32 28

More Information: We have been dealing with compressed air industries for over 20 years and our activities are categorized as follows
- Automation and Pneumatics
- Process control and instrumentation
- Design and installation of compressed air networks in industries
- Air Compressor Spare parts
- Gas Reciprocating Compressors troubleshooting, Upgrading
- Liquid Filtration systems
We represent several industry leaders for supplying our customer needs within our field of activities.

number of visits : 1198
Date of Registration : 1396-04-15
Expiration date : 1404-04-28

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