Patron Group

Patron Group

Subject: The manufacturer of refractory materials for steel industry

Province: Tehran

Address: 10th St., Yazd Industrial Zone, Yazd, IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 78 00 54

More Information: Patron Group (Pat Roshan Nikta) is a private company, active in Steel Industry. The services of Patron Group are mainly as consultancy services and training. Also Patron Group is serving the steel industry by supplying the consumables, equipment and spare parts, specially in meltshops with the technology of Induction Furnace and Electrical Arc Fruances (EAF).
Patron Group is the producer of following products:
- Casting Mould Powder
- Castables (different grades such as Low Cement, Regular Cement, Flow Casts and etc.)
- Chromite Mortar
- Insulating Powder for Covering the Ladle and Tundish
- Nozzle Filling Compound

number of visits : 1313
Date of Registration : 1396-08-01
Expiration date : 1404-08-04

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داوود مختاری
1402-09-05 09:43:04
با سلام . پالت سازی مختاری آماده تحویل پالت چوبی،جعبه چوب روسی،صندوق قطعات صنعتی ، هبلکس و تراورس چوبی ریل راه آهن می باشد . 09134041081