Iran Drip Ind.Group.

Iran Drip Ind.Group.

Subject: Manufacturer of polyethylene pipes and fittings for irrigation, water supply and waste water uses, as well as the first designer and constructor of pressure irrigation in Iran

Province: Tehran

Address: Keshavarzi Building, No. 247, Dr. Beheshti Ave., Tehran, Iran

Phone: 021 - 88 73 80 51

Fax: 021 - 88 73 26 84

More Information: IRAN DRIP INDUSTRIAL GROUP® as the first manufacturer of polyethylene pipes and fittings for irrigation, water supply and waste water uses, as well as the first designer and constructor of pressure
irrigation in Iran, was established in 1972. With two manufacturing units at its disposal, i.e. IRAN PLASTICS INDUSTIES DEVELOPMENT Co. ® (IPI) ® in Shiraz and IRAN DRIP Warehouse in Karadj , the group has developed in to a major producer in the field of polymer industries in Iran.
Units affiliated to this group have succeeded to obtain the Quality Management Certificate
“ISO 9000-2008” as well as all mandatory national standard certificates in production of polyethylene pipes and fittings and installation of pressure irrigation systems.
All the products of the IRAN DRIP INDUSTRIAL GROUP® meet the highest quality requirements and its Quality Control department is considered as one of the most reputed and equipped laboratories all over the country authorized by Iranian Standard Office to perform relevant activities.
An outstanding mission of IRAN DRIP INDUSTRIAL GROUP® is the development of training and research activities.

number of visits : 1094
Date of Registration : 1396-09-28
Expiration date : 1404-06-20

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