Subject: Production of all kinds of concrete additives, joinery materials and building facades and special materials in concrete operations

Province: Tehran

Address: Second Floor, No. 12, Banafsheh Koi, No Fallah St., Before the Enghelab Sq., Azadi St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 57 60 47 - 48

More Information: BCS Structural Chemical Concrete Company, in line with national policies based on the use of new technologies in the construction industry for safe, fast and efficient construction of buildings, ready to produce more than 45 different products in the field of concrete additives, joinery materials And building facades and special materials in concrete operations, with superior quality and providing technical services, support and providing appropriate solutions based on previous experiences and experienced technical staff, has taken an effective step in this industry.
All products of Beton Shimi Company are in accordance with ASTM standard. The company also has the ability to carry out sealing projects (tanks, pools) and epoxy coatings at the highest possible level.
Products :
- Coatings and insulators, super plasticizers, adhesives and mastics, epoxies, repair agents, grouts, concrete antifreeze

number of visits : 920
Date of Registration : 1396-12-20
Expiration date : 1403-12-26

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