Exir Design Group

Exir Design Group

Subject: Architectural and landscape design, design and production of furniture and urban elements, product design and medical equipment

Province: Fars

Address: second floor, Central Salaf, Shiraz University of Technology, Modares Boulevard, Shiraz - IRAN

Phone: 071 - 32 28 55 78

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Telegram : 0917 - 054 09 00 ، Instagram : www.instagram.com/stories/moslem_irandoost

Mobile: 0917 - 054 09 00

More Information: Exir Design Industrial Design Group works in the field of design and production of furniture and urban elements.
This company, as a provider of beautification services to municipalities, the most specialized company for designing and producing urban furniture in the south of the country (under the auspices of the National Elite Foundation), declares its readiness to provide consulting services, design and production of beautification projects. has it.
Services :
- Architectural and landscape design: design of school space, design of hospital grounds, design of water park
- Education: practical entrance exam courses in industrial design, flower and plant education
- Design and production of furniture and urban elements: design of drinking water for children and the disabled, design and production of signs for public announcements, municipal trash, production of metal wood benches, design and construction of a private taxi station, design of a bookstore station
- Product design and medical equipment: Design and production of automatic dressing and washing trolley, design and prototyping ergonomic mouse

number of visits : 995
Date of Registration : 1397-01-15
Expiration date : 1404-01-27

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