L.E.D Architects

L.E.D Architects

Subject: Design, supervision and execution of various architectural projects, interior architecture, landscape

Province: Tehran

Address: 5th Street West, Ajodanieh Str. ( Sabari ), Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 28 42 48 49

Fax: 021 - 89 77 26 00

More Information: Iranian architecture displays great diversity and variety, same structural and aesthetic, from a variety of traditions and experience. Through its complex cultural past and occasional turbulent political environments, Iran’s architecture has achieved its own distinct vernacular. but contemporary Iranian architects in Iran are concerned with defining their place in non-secular design.diversity is the word define Iranian architects works
L.E.D Architects is one of the most successful Iranian architects founded by Shahab Mirzaean in 2009. L.E.D Architects (Landscape-Ethos-Design) company started its activities as a legal person in the field of architecture, urban design & landscape design in 2010. During these years, L.E.D has worked on projects across Iran and Iraq, gaining a wealth of experience on designing. L.E.D has worked in various capacities and stages on a wide range of projects .L.E.D has won some national and international architectural awards. In addition, R&D of L.E.D have led to a variety of papers in professional journals and conferences.
L.E.D architects was highly commented in Cityscape 2011. It was also nominated in 9 categories in Middle East architect awards, which was held in Dubai from 2012 to 2013.The L.E.D C.E.O, Shahab Mirzaean Mahabadi won the 12th cycle Memar award, the most important Iranian national award and was highly commended in 14th cycle Memar Awards. Also he was nominated as the young architect of the year in Middle East architect awards 2012 & 2013. L.E.D earned iso9001:2008 certificate of a well-known German company, TUV international certificate in 2012 in the field of architecture, urban and landscape design.

number of visits : 764
Date of Registration : 1397-02-01
Expiration date : 1404-02-27

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