Silwan Company

Silwan Company

Subject: Manufacturer of water cooler, instantaneous water heater, refrigerator and freezer

Province: East Azerbaijan

Address: Part One, Special Building Industries Town, 5th Sophian Road to Tabriz - Postcode: 5137987141, Tabriz, IRAN

Phone: 041 - 42 54 45 69 ، 041 - 42 54 45 79

Fax: 041 - 33 34 52 36

More Information: Production experiences, product quality, and customer satisfaction are valuable assets that are always proud of companies and are backed up by the ability to introduce these companies to the customer. The beginning of the production of a small product, along with the accumulation of useful experiences with the aim of producing products Bigger and more diverse to meet the needs of consumers.
Silwan Company also established its way, and in 1979, with the production of various rice cookers, it started its industrial activities and in the years of 66 and 67 it succeeded in producing cabin gas, the first standard manufacturer in the northwest of the country. The production of all kinds of gas-fired water heater was the company's next products in the year 75. At the same time, the research project on the construction and production of water heater was put on the agenda of the company, which resulted in the production of various types of instantaneous water heaters of various capacities in the year 79.
According to the results obtained from the marketing research unit of this company, it required the market to produce a new product that led to the production of refrigerators and refrigerators in the year 83, and in the year 84 the product was added to the Silwan company's product portfolio. Due to the potential potential of this series, groundwater heater was added to the company's products in the year 85.
The company's product portfolio includes a water cooler, an instantaneous water heater, a refrigerator for the Vichyla Frazer, which has been marketed since the year of the Silvan Co., and due to the high standard of quality, some of these products are supplied to the domestic market and part of the products are also Neighboring countries are exported.
Production at a qualitative and reasonable price and increasing customer satisfaction has always been one of the major goals of the company. By obtaining a sample of quality and industrial samples in 2004, the Statue of Crystal Industry and Economy of the country in 2005 received a statue of the sample of the country in the year. 1385 and the unit of sample in 2007 and the sample unit of quality in 89, 92, 93 and 94 are the holder of the ISO, 9001: 2008, 14001: 2004, 18001: 2007. The creation of a powerful internal and external network as well as the support of more than 900 post-sales service centers throughout the country for consumers are among the other honors of the company, which has become more popular with the products of the company.

number of visits : 1121
Date of Registration : 1397-03-05
Expiration date : 1404-03-11

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