Alborz Ceramic

Alborz Ceramic

Subject: Production of tiles and mosaics for indoor and outdoor environments

Province: Tehran

Address: No 24, Etehad Alley, South Shiraz St., Molasadra St., Tehran, IRAN

Phone: 021 - 89 47

Fax: 021 - 88 61 23 91

More Information: Alborz ceramic relying based to the quality and price of each product and experience your website in cyberspace of their products in order to provide services to you.
The products of Alborz Company are ceramics and miniature’s mosaics.
Cheetah brands was registrated in direction strategy of Alborz ceramic company to participate actively in ceramic products market and to complete cart products and filling lack of market demand , This brand started experimental sale of miniature sizes up to 10 x 10 in 2014
As soon as wide environmental advertising and presentation of this brand in June 2015various specific design collection caused nice acceptance of architects engineers, vendors
It is hoped by daily development of presented designs customers reviews would be supplied also we could step in increasing, ceramic products

number of visits : 1252
Date of Registration : 1397-04-27
Expiration date : 1404-05-04

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داوود مختاری
1402-09-05 11:05:35
با سلام . پالت سازی مختاری آماده تحویل پالت چوبی،جعبه چوب روسی،صندوق قطعات صنعتی ، هبلکس و تراورس چوبی ریل راه آهن می باشد . 09134041081