Kashi Firoozeh Co.

Kashi Firoozeh Co.

Subject: Tile manufacturer for wall and floor

Province: Khorasan, Razavi

Address: Firoozeh Tile AVE., after Ferdosi junction way, AZadi high way, Firoozeh Tile FACTORY, Mashhad, IRAN

Phone: 051 - 35 42 25 00

Fax: 051 - 35 42 23 30

More Information: KAshi Firoozeh co. was established in 1983, accordance with the missions of the Islamic Republic of Iran, with the aim to Self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship Economic sanctions and the problems arising from the conflicts, reduce our progress, but we did not hesitate in our effort. Thus, in 1993 the project has annual output capability of 750,000 square meters of floor tiles to the procedure.
The successful execution of two development plans until 2006, reached the production capability of 5,000,000 square meters of floor and wall tiles in production. The third development started producing in 2014, by increasing output up to 11000000 square meters according to the latest technology of the world.
The KASHI FIROOZEH Company for the yield of quality has done all accordance with the standards of the world and for this reason the technology has been purchased from "Italy" the leading country in this industry. The most of machines in development plans were installed by skilled technicians of kashi firoozeh. In 1994, the company succeeded to achieve standard trophy from the "standard and industrial research office of Iran", and to increase quality, our efforts continued and since 2002 , the "quality management system" has been established.

number of visits : 648
Date of Registration : 1397-05-26
Expiration date : 1404-06-18

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داوود مختاری
1402-09-05 11:16:08
با سلام . پالت سازی مختاری آماده تحویل پالت چوبی،جعبه چوب روسی،صندوق قطعات صنعتی ، هبلکس و تراورس چوبی ریل راه آهن می باشد . 09134041081