Company Industry DKKI

Company Industry DKKI

Subject: Manufacturer and exporter of equipment and essentials for smelting and casting industries, including: thermocouples, oxygen probes, hydrogen probes, carbon cups, silence probes, samplers, multi-function probes - devices including devices: measuring oxygen and temperature, calibration device , temperature measurement devices, hydrogen measurement - peripheral equipment including: display, traffic light and siren, compensation cables, lens holder, complete lens, lens handle, contact block, connector, carbon cup base, oxygen lens equipment - machines Including: automatic lance for LF, automatic lance for EAF, punch machine, punch machine and scissors

Province: Tehran

Address: No.2&4 , Fifth Ave., West Sanat ST., Kammard, 4 Km After Jajrood Police Station, Abali Road, Tehran - IRAN.

Phone: 021 - 76 26 27 45 - 47 ، 021 - 88 74 53 30

Fax: 021 - 76 26 24 47 ، 021 - 88 76 87 86

More Information: Company Industry DKKI from 1372 as the only manufacturer sheathed thermocouple for temperature measurement under license MINKON Germany began its work, and after 22 years as the first and only manufacturer in Iran among manufacturers big steel and foundry industries known.
Corporate DKKI in the year 1360 (1981) first as a technical adviser and supplier of equipment for the steel industry, including Khuzestan Steel Project, began its activities in Germany. because most customers established its office in Iran.
In the year 1371 (1992) Industrial Co. DKKI (Member of MINCO Group), the country's steel industry's many problems, especially the parts supply measurement systems and instrumentation that was completely foreign-funded, After four years of planning, the first and only manufacturer in Iran and the region, for a variety of probes used in the steel industry And casting of thermocouple, samplers, oxygen probes, Sablans, carbon Cup and electrical thermocouples and related equipment and services for all industries with the requirements of instrumentation systems engineering design, manufacturing activity began with the transfer of technology from Germany.
Products Co. DKKI In the steel and foundry, in accordance with international standards such as DIN-IEC 584 and licensed by two companies, Deutsche UELCO Electronic GmbH and GmbH MINKON Sampler Technik, and in the oil and gas industry, refineries, chemicals, petrochemicals, cement, glass, ceramic tile, food and ... under license Guenther GmbH-Temperateness be produced.
Industrial companies DKKI Is proud to announce now the only manufacturer with quality assurance system ISO 9001-2000 kidney country's industry and its products to Europe, neighboring countries and the Persian Gulf exports.
- Probes: thermocouples, oxygen probe, hydrogen probe, carbon cup, silence probe, sampler, multifunctional probe
- Devices: oxygen and temperature measurement, calibration device, temperature measurement devices, hydrogen measurement
- Peripheral equipment: display, traffic light and siren, compensation cables, lens holder, full lens, lens handle, contact block, connector, carbon cup base, oxygen lens equipment
- Machines: automatic lance for LF, automatic lance for EAF, punching machine, punching machine and scissors

number of visits : 1375
Date of Registration : 1397-05-29
Expiration date : 1404-06-10

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