Aryana Sanat Co.

Aryana Sanat Co.

Subject: Producing types of sanitary and construction fittings

Province: Tehran

Address: No,711, Afra Ave ., Ebne Sina Bld., Abbas Abad Industrial City , km 45 of Khaorasan Road , Tehran , IRAN

Phone: 021 - 36 42 41 32 ، 021 - 36 42 34 95

Fax: 021 - 36 42 41 33

More Information: History Of Aryana Sanat Sanitary and Construction Fittings
Since 1973 by receiving work permit from Metropolitan chamber of Guilds,this company has started its productin and started its work by producing construction fittings named Iran Danesh.Upon the commencement of industrial revolution of the country we have taken another step and by receiving operation license from the Ministry of Industries in 1993 and started officially producing sanitary fitting for
supplying to the local and foreign markets and for promoting the quality and up dating the products using skilled and well experienced engineers,has chaged its trade name to Aryana Sanat and obtained the sign of national standard for two groups of its products (classic 1546 and Mechanical 6679) and simultaneously has also obtained the world standard of ISO 9001-2008 and international quality control of IQNET of Italy.after the sign of national standard for its products,in the year 2007 also admitted as a member of State Sanitary Fittings manufacturers Guild Union as an active member in the field of taking decisions for the production of sanitary fittings.
At present the products of this factory is supplied throughout the country and neighboring countries under the sign of national standard with five years guarantee and after sales services Our after sales services includes inspection,repair and complete replacement of fittings and transportation from the time of installation as per the conditions mentioned in the golden card through the official agencies through out Iran in from of service work.In the conclusion we are proud that by the grace of Almighty Gpd, to play a vital and important role in the development of industries of our Islamic country Iran as one of the producers of sanitary fittings and we are proud to be a servant of Iranian nation.

number of visits : 964
Date of Registration : 1397-07-29
Expiration date : 1404-07-29

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