Golsam Gorgan Co.

Golsam Gorgan Co.

Subject: Production, Import and Distribution of Agricultural Chemicals

Province: Golestan

Address: Gaz industrial city of Gorgan, Gorgan, IRAN.

Phone: 017 - 34 39 32 16 - 17

Fax: 017 - 34 39 32 18

More Information: Golsam Gorgan Chemicals Company was founded in 1965 with the aim of formulation of pesticides with the highest quality and efficacy. The formulation plant in the North of Iran near Gorgan city is situated in a 4-Hectare land equipped with formulation lines of EC, EW, SC, SL, WP, DF and recently micro capsulated.
State of the art production lines and laboratory in the factory which have been approved by most of the major international agrochemical companies have enabled Golsam Gorgan Chemicals to formulate many products under the license of European and Japanese brands such as Syngenta, Nippon Soda, Sumitomo Chemicals, etc. making it the largest agrochemical formulation plant in the country. In the year 2005, Golsam Gorgan Chemicals expanded to formulate various fertilizers in the form of liquid, powder and granules and currently supplying the market with highest qualities of NPKs and micronutrients.

number of visits : 1895
Date of Registration : 1395-06-30
Expiration date : 1404-07-05

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