Pastil Baran Store

Pastil Baran Store

Subject: Major sales of foreign and Iranian gummi candy

Province: Tehran

Address: Tehran, IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 94 55 01

Mobile: 0936 - 99 99 585

More Information: You can ask the wholesale price of rain pastilles from Bebeto, Haribo, Vidal, Jeliko and Jalupi from our internet center. Supplying pastilles from the main wholesaler, in addition to getting a lower price, has other advantages, such as the availability of the material in all seasons of the year as a guarantee and without delay and hassle.
Products :
- Types of pastilles, Valentine products, Bebeto products, Bulk Haribo products, Turko products, Vidal products, Bvlgari products, all kinds of chocolates and candies, Marshmallow

number of visits : 322
Date of Registration : 1397-11-24
Expiration date : 1403-11-28

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