Pars Paper Company

Pars Paper Company

Subject: Producer of virgin chemical pulp, Producer of chemical printing and writing paper, a producer of sanitary paper for disposable cups

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 26, Research Gah 2 Alley, Ahmad Qasir St., Beheshti St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 73 25 53 ، 021 - 88 17 50 70

Fax: 021 - 88 73 81 06

More Information: There are two sources for pulp production and then paper production:The use of trees and the use of agricultural products. As we know, Iran is one of dry and semi-arid regions in terms of climate, weather and rainfall. Therefore, it does not have vast forest resources, as a result, it has never been and will never be a suitable place to produce paper from trees. Using agricultural residues to produce paper, the most important of which is bagasse.Kay is one of the undeniable advantages in Iran and the Middle East. Pars Paper Industries Group was established in 1346 in North Khuzestan with the aim of using bagasse extracted from the Haft Tepe sugarcane factory and was put into operation in 1349. After its establishment, this factory was the only supplier of printing and writing paper in the country for a long time. However, due to the damage caused during the imposed war and the lack of renovation and reconstruction during the tenure of the government sector, it was exposed to permanent closure and its production capacity reached less than 20% of the nominal capacity in the years leading to 2013.Today, Pars Paper Industries Group is the only producer of virgin chemical pulp in the Middle East, the only producer of chemical printing and writing paper, a producer of sanitary paper for disposable cups and several other products, and until today, Pars Paper Industries Group has been able to sell its products to more than Export to 15 countries. In line with the development of activities, the shares of this company were publicly offered on the Tehran Stock Exchange in May 2015 and were accepted on the Tehran Stock Exchange in July 2019, and fortunately, it has left a very good name in this market as well.The updated information of this collection can be seen in the stock exchange system as well as in the stock section of this database. The implementation of development projects in the Pars paper sub-category in the production of disposable cellulose containers is one of the measures to continue the path of excellence and progress of Pars paper.

number of visits : 2381
Date of Registration : 1395-07-08
Expiration date : 1404-03-21

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