Subject: Fabrication, rebuilding and repair & maintenance of different types of rolling stocks such as passenger and cargo coaches and Locomotives also and their components and parts.

Province: Tehran

Address: D21. Golbahar St., Forouzan Avenue, West Golestan Blvd., East Parand industrial zone, Tehran, IRAN

Phone: 021 - 56 41 89 68 ، 021 - 88 05 10 01

Fax: 021 - 88 05 10 01

More Information: FPSCO as a qualified Iranian contractor and engineering private company is active in Rail industry specially in fabrication, rebuilding and repair & maintenance of different types of rolling stocks such as passenger and cargo coaches and Locomotives also and their components and parts. FPSCO starts writing its history in 2004 and during recent years performed a large number of the contracts in respected fields. The experience gained in several project, enabled us to enlarge our sphere of activity to multidisciplinary projects. Nowadays we enlarged capabilities to engineering and procurement services by using joint companies and also through controlled companies thus enhancing our contracting capability and becoming able to execute EPC contracts. Quality is our main goal, though a quality system by using ISO 9001-2015 (certified by BUREAU VERITAS) is operating in our company. The scope of work that we accomplish can include Rail industries & Marine industries, power generation unit component and also repair work and services for all above industries.

number of visits : 337
Date of Registration : 1398-06-16
Expiration date : 1404-06-18

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