ShayanTarh Co.

ShayanTarh Co.

Subject: Specialized in consulting, design, manufacturing, erection, optimization and maintenance of air pollution control systems and material handling.

Province: Fars

Address: #5, Shervin Building, Sattar Khan Blvd., Shiraz - IRAN

Phone: 071 - 36 49 12 80

More Information: ShayanTarh is specialized in consulting, design, manufacturing, erection, optimization and maintenance of air pollution control systems and material handling. With more than 30 years of experience the company has managed to complete projects in several fields of industry such as steel, mining and cement, copper, Aluminum, oil & gas, petrochemical and similar segments.
Products :
- Hybrid Filter, Baghouse & Bagfilter, ESP, Cooling Tower, Cyclone, Scrubbers, Material Handling Systems, Steel Structure, Electrical Control Systems, Duct Work, Stacks, Fan

number of visits : 409
Date of Registration : 1398-07-23
Expiration date : 1404-07-29

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