Adin Charm

Adin Charm

Subject: Manufacturer of exquisite leather gifts, seminar office bags, women's office bags, shower bags, natural leather management bags

Province: Tehran

Address: No.534, Next to the Darvazeh Dowlat subway station, After the Lalezar, Enghelab St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 34 24 53 - 65 ، 021 - 66 71 11 26

Fax: 021 - 66 34 91 26

Mobile: 0919 - 778 17 75

More Information: Adin Leather
The experience of walking is a path that is associated with many ups and downs. We have tried to gain and apply the best experience in producing quality goods during three decades of walking this path. Our effort has been and will be to satisfy more and more dear applicants and customers by offering better and quality goods. We hope to be able to have experienced and hardworking staff and with
The taste of the production workshop and office show every day and we present the best and most up-to-date to you dear ones.
Adin Leather, a producer of exquisite leather gifts, was proudly selected as the "Favorite Seller" and business partner of Digikala.
Products :
- Exquisite leather single, exquisite leather sets, exquisite gifts, passport bags and documents, seminar office bags, Women's office bags, douche bags, natural leather management bags

number of visits : 458
Date of Registration : 1398-09-20
Expiration date : 1404-09-26

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