Kara Afzar Ideal

Kara Afzar Ideal

Subject: Production of financial, administrative and store software

Province: Tehran

Address: Sepehr Building, Dehkhorqan St., Torghi St., North West Side of Resalat Sq., Hakim Highway, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 74451

More Information: Kara Afzar Ideal Company has started its activities since 2009 by producing a set of financial, office and store software, and we are proud to produce specialized software in the field of finance, office and in a short period of time. We have been able to provide a service to the economic cycle of companies and the country. The company has gained experience from the greats of marketing and sales industry, has succeeded in producing one of the most effective and user-friendly CRM software in the field of marketing and sales, which has been able to reduce the workload of managers, especially in the field of marketing and sales. Take it.
Products :
- Subscriber software - subscription management, lottery software, treasury software - check printing, warehouse and barcode sales software, SMS sending and receiving software, accounting software, site builder software

number of visits : 414
Date of Registration : 1398-10-21
Expiration date : 1403-10-22

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