Reihan Printing & Binding

Reihan Printing & Binding

Subject: Production of yearbook , desktop and wall calendars and promotional gifts

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit B35, 3rd Floor, Block B, Baharestan Tower, At the beginning of Mellat St., Baharestan, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 33 98 41 34

Fax: 021 - 33 98 56 29

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: 0922 - 903 34 27

More Information: Reihan Printing & Binding Company with nearly a decade of experience in producing yearbooks and deadlines, desktop and wall calendars and promotional gifts are one of the top manufacturers in this field.
This complex has a design, sales office and Reyhan bookbinding workshop, which is equipped with a variety of binding machines and desktop calendars, and by using experienced and experienced staff, produces advertising advertising deadlines for many organizations, companies and Manages collections.
Products and Services :
- Business card printing, office set printing, catalog and brochure printing, invoice and receipt printing, site design, box making

number of visits : 516
Date of Registration : 1398-10-22
Expiration date : 1404-10-23

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