Barg Calendar

Barg Calendar

Subject: Design, Printing and Production of Calendar - Promotional Gifts - Boxing and Packaging

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 5, No.5, at the beginning of Bahrami St., Above Zafar, Afrigha Blvd., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 67 21 91

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: @bargcalendar

More Information: Barg Calendar Unit started its activities in 2004 with the aim of creating a culture in the field of providing desirable printing, advertising and marketing services. By bringing together specialized groups in the fields of consulting, media, art and technology, as well as using the most modern equipment and the most efficient processes, this group tries to professionally meet all the needs of its customers by providing integrated advertising services. At present, this group has become one of the largest and most innovative maturity producers in Iran, relying on its competencies and experience of cooperating with the largest trading partners.
The set of activities of the Barg Calendar unit are:
- Design and printing, production of Calendar, promotional gifts, box making and packaging

number of visits : 559
Date of Registration : 1398-10-25
Expiration date : 1404-11-01

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