Iran Arme Co.

Iran Arme Co.

Subject: Manufacturing of fabric made concrete pieces and polystyrene blocks and Kormit joists, and rebar (reinforcing bar)

Province: Fars

Address: Shiraz Industrial Zone , North Pezhouhesh , 252 Street, Shiraz - IRAN

Phone: 071 - 37 74 28 22 - 23

Mobile: 0917 - 775 70 00 ، 0917 - 200 01 60 ، 0917 - 314 00 15

More Information: Iran Arme Co. has been registered at Companies Registry Office of Fars province on 1982 and obtained the certification for manufacturing of fabric made concrete pieces and Polystyrene blocks from Industry and Mine head office of province Fars.
By now, Iran Arme Co. is one of the leading companies in manufacturing of fabric made concrete pieces and the first manufacturer of standard joists and blocks in province Fars.
Other products of our company are: polystyrene blocks, Kormit joists, and rebar (reinforcing bar).
Developing the quality and quantity of our products according to the proved national standards is the first goal of Iran Arme Co.

number of visits : 470
Date of Registration : 1398-11-08
Expiration date : 1404-11-10

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