Iran Roll Co.

Iran Roll Co.

Subject: Production of Aluminum Foil Lid, Aluminum Paper, Multilayer Polymer Films

Province: Qazvin

Address: 4th Hekmat st., Gomrok Ave., Zakariayeh Razi BLV., Alborz Industrial zone, Qazvin - IRAN

Phone: 028 - 32 23 20 63 - 66 ، 028 - 32 22 35 00

Fax: 028 - 32 23 20 65

Mobile: 0912 - 072 76 15

More Information: Why we are a world Class Manufacturer?
1. Cost Reduction:
Mass production, “economy of scale” and know-how are some the elements that enable us to provide a cost-effective product to meet customer’s demand while sustaining quality.
2. People development:
Training courses based on a) Latest international technology, b) Hiring consultant from pioneer factory in packaging field, and c) Visiting other companies by our engineers and technicians, gathered a collection of staffs who are walking on the boundaries of skills in the flexible packaging field
3. Customer orientation:
Iran Roll takes all actions to support clients’ desires and satisfies their major priorities. Iran Roll’s Business strategies that tend to reflect “customer orientation” include:
- Developing a product appreciated by consumers
- Conducting continuous quest to study the customer’s current and future request
- Responding promptly and respectfully to consumer complaints and queries.
4. TQM (Total Quality Management)
a) Raw material (Input)
Iran Roll has strict standards that are imposed on its supplier to purchase raw materials with highest possible quality. Even some famous raw material manufacturers (which are so sure of their products) fail to match our QC standards. It shows our total commitment to quality
c) Process Control:
Our strict control of raw materials will be useless, if the process does not follow International standards. We are trying to match our process with all tolls of “process control” discussed in WCM.
d) Finished Product (Output)
The entire finished products are checked through statistical quality control tools to be sure of “zero defect “production.
d) TPM:
IRAN ROLL have created a system of maintaining and improving the integrity of production and quality systems through the machines, equipment, processes, and employees. Our TPM focuses on keeping all equipment in top working condition to avoid breakdowns and delays in manufacturing processes.
5. SCM and Logistics based on customers’ requirements:
Our Supply Chain starts from buying raw material based on customers request, then our whole production system, finally ends with the satisfaction of our customers’ customers. Iran Roll tries to see itself in total coordination and harmony with other entities in SC; hopping to create mutual profit.
We try to create “Value Stream mapping” in the process and be productive to avoid extra costs to be imposed on our system and our customers.
6. Environment:
Iran Roll is committed to adopting and promoting modern and effective environmental management techniques to minimize harm to the environment. Ecologically sustainable development is the main principle behind Iran Roll’s decision making. This means providing for economic development while protecting ecological systems so that future generations will have an environment as least as healthy and diverse as that existing now.
7. Brand Value:
Successfully surviving in competitive market for over 50 years created a strong “Brand image” Iran Roll . During previous 5 decades, reputable National food exporters have figured out in order to export their products they need a Brand of flexible packaging that meets International Standards; which led them to choose Iran Roll’s packaging webs.
Products :
- Aluminum Foil Lid, Aluminum Paper, Multilayer Polymer Films

number of visits : 659
Date of Registration : 1399-01-18
Expiration date : 1404-01-23

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عباس پیش اهنگ
1399-10-05 20:51:06
با عرض سلام وخسته نباشید خدمت همکاران محترم گروه صنعتی امید نو آماده همکاری در زمینه قطعه سازی و تامین قطعات با واحد تولیدی را دارد . با تقدیم احترام پیشاهنگ ۰۹۱۲۳۶۹۱۴۶۵