Goharneshan Co.

Goharneshan Co.

Subject: Training, Manufacturing & Exporter of Gold, Gem & Jewelry

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 1, No.3, Vaezi Dead End, Corner of South Aban, Karim Khan, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 94 36 40 ، 021 - 88 93 60 80

Mobile: 0901 - 192 89 17 ، 0901 - 192 89 18

More Information: As it is clear from the name of Goharneshan Educational, Production and Export Company, this company, if needed, has the ability to operate in three areas of education, production and export.
The founder of Goharanshan believes that exports and currency exchange have been and will be the main goal of any successful business. But he considers the way to earn money and have a successful and sustainable business as a priority in specialized and applied education and high quality production in accordance with international standards, respectively.
Education Courses :
- Jewelry Design, Jewelry Making, Gem Address (Financing), Finishing, Jewelry Sales, Gemology

number of visits : 257
Date of Registration : 1399-01-28
Expiration date : 1404-01-28

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