

Subject: Producer of oxygen riched water

Province: Golestan

Address: 15KM Gorgan - Mash'had Rd., Gorgan - Iran

Phone: 017 - 32 51 44 60

Mobile: 0911 - 169 02 11

More Information: Golestan Ab-e Niroubakhsh Company, as the first producer of oxygen riched water, Oxab, has designed its integrated management structure based on the latest updated standards of ISO 22000, ISO 9001, and meets all necessities of these management structures in every single process stage.
We are committed to applying all legal obligation for the company’s activities such as envirinmental regulations safty rules and professional hygiene. Continuous improvement in the processes efficiency and proficiency of the integrated manafement structure is another commitment of the management, which is applied in all processes of production, support, assessment and evaluation and will continue. We believe in reaching a successful mission and vision via behavioural models, respecting each other, job conscience, truthworthy, continuous education, group work, creating an atmosphere filled with hope and motivation and yet with a two_way communication; Hence we will use all potential facilities, and are determined to elevate the organization. To improve the beneficiaries’ satisfaction, we have settled the management structure. The management representative is responsible to guarantee the settlment of the integrated management. All emoyees are expected to cooperate with him seriously and employ their innovation, creativeness and capabilities. Oxygen_richrd water, a product of more than 15 years of research and experiment and going through clinic tests by dr. Pakdaman, has played a great role in preventing different diseases, as a product of the health collection. As a generally consumed product, it can replace alltypes of mineral water. This product has his patent in America and more than 20 contries of Europe and Asia.

number of visits : 508
Date of Registration : 1399-01-31
Expiration date : 1404-02-07

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