Iran Masterbatch

Iran Masterbatch

Subject: Manufacturer of Masterbatches

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 1, after the second base of the right bridge, two kilometers towards Quds city, 22 km of Karaj special road, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 46 89 96 33 - 34 ، 021 - 46 89 98 87 - 88

Fax: 021 - 46 89 92 13

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: 0930 - 722 18 76

More Information: Iran Master batch factory is active in the field of production of various types of fiber and industrial master batches and its wide supply in the domestic market.
At present, this factory is operating with several separate production lines with advanced machines and equipment in accordance with the latest technology in the world. Iran Master Batch, after receiving an operating license to produce various types of health master batches used in the food packaging industry, proceeded to the production and widespread supply of these master batches, which has so far received at least 30 health licenses from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. For master batch types with all polymer bases, it continues to work in a completely specialized way.
Products :
- Transparent master batches, master batches based on polyethylene tereph thalate, sanitary master batches, automotive master batches, poly carbonate based master batches, door master batches, UV stabilizer crystalizer

number of visits : 431
Date of Registration : 1399-02-08
Expiration date : 1404-02-09

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