Par Group

Par Group

Subject: Manufacturer of yarn and Linen fabric

Province: Tehran

Address: No.141, corner of the second alley, above Motahhari, Ghaem Magham St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 75 04 90 - 94

Fax: 021 - 88 54 52 44

More Information: Par Textile Group is one of the largest private complex which included Parchin, Parris, Atlas Jean Companies for the first time established in 1373 and now is active with 1200 workers at Zanjan, Hamedan and Ilam provinces with full capacity of producing Gabardine and jean fabrics.

Par Group in one sight
Par Group is a private textile complex consisting of three factories as follows
1) Parchin: Includes Spinning, Dyeing, Weaving, Complete denim and linen fabrics, Quality control and classification
2) Parris: Like Parchin includes Spinning, Dyeing, Weaving, Complete denim and linen fabrics, Quality control and classification
3) Atlas Jean: Currently the weaving and complete denim and linen fabrics sections are active.This factory is under development and soon the parts dyeing with Rope machine, quality control and packaging will start working.

number of visits : 590
Date of Registration : 1399-02-15
Expiration date : 1404-02-20

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