Fanavaran Saze Gahar

Fanavaran Saze Gahar

Subject: Manufacturer of concrete silos that is proud to manufacture mechanized concrete silos for storing flour and wheat using integrated slide molding technology and without any internal porosity in the circle and square sections

Province: Tehran

Address: 8th Avenue, Asgharan, Farmanieh, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 83 16 42 - 43 ، 021 - 26 11 57 30

More Information: Fanavaran saze gahar Co. is one of the silicon manufacturer of concrete silos that is proud to manufacture mechanized concrete silos for storing flour and wheat using integrated slide molding technology and without any internal porosity in the circle and square sections with the lowest Price and speed with high quality flour mills.
With concrete silos, flour storage can be stored at any rate with respect to production capacities and can be stored with different formulations in different hives, and as much as is necessary for the various classes of composition and at high speed directly Bunker or bagging.
The advantages of concrete silos with its experienced staff in the construction of concrete structures with slippery molds have made it an effective step to provide a comprehensive and comprehensive service in flour and wheat storage in a fully automated manner, with the best features available. Take care of the quality and price of other silos, especially metal.

number of visits : 515
Date of Registration : 1399-03-09
Expiration date : 1404-03-11

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