Bores Sanat Pasargad

Bores Sanat Pasargad

Subject: Manufacturer and exporter of industrial brushes

Province: Fars

Address: Anjire industrial town of Marvdasht, 60 km of Shiraz-Isfahan road, Marvdasht - IRAN

Phone: 071 - 43 49 44 15 - 17

Mobile: 0912 - 278 79 49

More Information: Pasargad Industrial Brush Company (P.B.C) started its activity in 1995 in the form of production of various industrial brushes. This factory was built on a land with an area of ​​3300 square meters and 1500 square meters of infrastructure in Parseh area.
The purpose of establishing this company was to change the structure of the industrial brush and to use advanced machines with high technology to improve the quality and quantity in this industry.
Due to the fact that the production brushes were mostly produced manually at that time and did not meet the needs of the market, a kind of dissatisfaction and distrust towards domestic products had arisen in the country.

number of visits : 501
Date of Registration : 1399-03-19
Expiration date : 1404-03-19

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