Hoseynzadeh Handicrafts

Hoseynzadeh Handicrafts

Subject: Manufacturer of Daisy the stone

Province: Khorasan, Razavi

Address: No.101, 10/5 Mosalla Blvd., Mashhad - IRAN

Phone: 051 - 33 66 59 40

Fax: 051 - 33 66 59 40

Mobile: 0915 - 510 31 33 ، 0915 - 425 31 33

More Information: Masonry in Khorasan has a long history. In archaeological studies in most ancient sites, pieces of stone utensils have been seen, which indicates the prevalence of this profession from the distant past. The importance of masonry and the use of stone vessels in Rumzeh's life has been so tangible that it has found its way into historical texts and the profession of Toos or Mashhad stone carving is one of the features of this region.
Hoseynzadeh Handicrafts is the first producer of stone daisies in Iran, which fully operates these vessels from the beginning to the end, ie from the stage of stone extraction from mines to the stage of turning stones into daisies, and then selling and even exporting this product to several countries.
Products :
- Daisy stone coffee house: all kinds of Daisy stone with coffee house door
- Everything: ordinary stone daisy, round bottom daisy, traditional ax stone daisy
- Black pen: samovar with teapot, teapot, sugar, glass
Copper boiler: Hong, lamp 2 and 3 wick, gas lamp

number of visits : 1689
Date of Registration : 1395-09-14
Expiration date : 1404-11-01

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