Falnic Company

Falnic Company

Subject: Importer, supplier and after-sales service of IT products under the HP brand

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 16 (Iran HP Building), in front of the Post Office, South Iranshahr St., Ferdowsi Sq., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 8363

Mobile: 0902 - 200 83 63

More Information: What falnic (Iran Hp) can do for you :
- Providing IT supplements to their support and guaranty
- Honest advice and design to run and implement
- repair to periodic service and equipment maintenance, we are all beside you.
The tradition of being imitated, the theft of ideas and the violation of the rights of market leaders in developed countries has been limited by setting up strict laws and severe penalties, but in our country, the lack of such laws is still Prevalence.
Some newcomers not only violate Intellectual Property Rights of HP, but also step up and name themselves HP or its agent.
However, Falnic (Iran HP) always moves on the path of innovation, and is not worry about imitation of its highlighted performance. It even considers these types of activities as a motivation to keep on its path to success.
But the problem starts from where some do something immoral and unprofessional.

number of visits : 482
Date of Registration : 1399-05-08
Expiration date : 1404-05-19

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