Ravankaran San'at Co.

Ravankaran San'at Co.

Subject: Produce a variety of industrial oils, engine lubricants and technical services

Province: Tehran

Address: 3rd Floor, No. 860, Before Kerman street (Direction:west to the east of Seyed-khandan), Resalat highway, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 53 24 48 - 49 ، 021 - 22 31 44 96 - 97

Fax: 021 - 22 53 73 62

More Information: RAVANKARAN SAN'AT Company (RS Co.), having the brand name of CAMEL motor-oil; taking advantage of the valuable experience of a group of experts in the oil industry of Iran in 1992 and to produce a variety of industrial oils, engine lubricants and technical services; quickly became a reputable company has supplied the country's industrial sections oil needs.
Place of the plant is in the industrial zone of SEMNAN province.
More to the above, Engineering and Technical Services group of RS Co., provide consulting services continually in contact with the industry and consumers which are aware of the technical application and accordingly Lubricant Industry and plans to adjust their products and services to make new oil according to customer needs.
Physical and Chemical Tests to determine the useful life-cycle of lubricants, optimization of operating conditions and application of lubricant oils and - foreign oil_equivalent -, also is done by RS Co.
RS Co., Provides educational seminars about lubricants and heat transfer systems mentioned.
Also, major products based on customer requirements made ​​by the company include: Camel lathe s, Camel hydraulic T15, Camel Brown H (equivalent Shell Garya H), Camel Platynol and industrial oils, heavy oils to lighter grade ISO2 to ISO1000.

number of visits : 564
Date of Registration : 1399-06-22
Expiration date : 1404-07-03

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