Khoshsayeh Blinds Ind.

Khoshsayeh Blinds Ind.

Subject: Manufacturer types of Blinds

Province: East Azerbaijan

Address: Vahid Industrial Complex, Opposite the refinery, Azarshahr Road, Tabriz - IRAN

Phone: 041 - 34 24 51 80 ، 021 - 35 51 27 92

More Information: Khosh Sayeh factory was established in 1347. From 1347 to 1367, it has been producing vertical blinds. From 1988 to 1999, it has been in the production of general and Lord Drape blinds, and since 1999, it has been producing metal blinds, and since 2006, it has started producing and assembling modern blinds and wooden blinds. Khosh-e-Shayeh factory is the only producer of metal shutters, profiles and aluminum shutters in the Middle East, and therefore exports its products to countries such as Turkey, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.
All fabrics used in the shady factory are made in Turkey (Brilent company). Brilliant Company is one of the largest and most famous brands in Turkey, which is the only official and exclusive display of its sale in Iran, the beautiful factory of Tabriz. All the parts used to assemble the curtains, including the channel-gearbox and the motor, are in Taiwanese wooden and metal blinds and in modern Zebra curtains.
Products that are produced in a shady factory:
Wooden blinds, metal blinds, Zebra blinds, double mechanism blinds (day and night), pleated blinds

number of visits : 1568
Date of Registration : 1395-09-15
Expiration date : 1404-10-09

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