Parsian Modern Espadana

Parsian Modern Espadana

Subject: Consulting, implementation, monitoring and support of information and communication technology projects - web design, software design, network

Province: Isfahan

Address: Unit 1, Building 51, East Maryam 33 Church Alley, Tohid Miyani St., Isfahan - IRAN

Phone: 031 - 36 27 92 09 ، 031 - 36 25 02 24

Fax: 031 - 36 25 02 24

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: 0913 - 595 70 04

More Information: Parsian Modern Espadana Company was established by applying modern knowledge in order to meet part of the needs of the country's electricity and IT industry.
Parsian Services:
- Network infrastructure services: consulting in design and implementation, implementation of wireless network projects, consulting, implementation and commissioning of data centers, installation and commissioning of microtech equipment, virtualization, services and security solutions, commissioning Set up voip
- Network software services: installation of Active Directory, cache server, network monitoring, user management and bandwidth control, setup of backup servers, communication between offices, installation of Exchange Server, network antivirus
- Web and programming services: website design, web-based software design, Windows software design, mobile software design, Google advertising, SEO and web optimization, email marketing, portal design and proprietary software Organizations and departments

number of visits : 380
Date of Registration : 1399-07-05
Expiration date : 1404-07-10

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