Subject: Multi-disciplinary General Contractor firm, offering a broad range of engineering services to clients in international markets

Province: Tehran

Address: No.1, Kajour St., Mirdamad Blvd., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 29780

Fax: 021 - 22 22 28 74

More Information: OMRAB is a multi-disciplinary General Contractor firm, offering a broad range of engineering services to clients in international markets. OMRAB provides a full range of project services tailored to suit customer needs, from process design through to equipment procurement, plant construction, commissioning and operator training.
Founded in May of 1988, OMRAB’s experienced and accredited professionals have successfully completed references within its areas of practice.
- Engineering Services : Pre-feasibility, Feasibility studies and Economic evaluations - Process Engineering - Environmental assessments, Conservation, Sustainability Engineering - Offshore and Onshore Engineering - Hydraulics, Hydrology, Structural, Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation, Control and SCADA - Engineering management and design supervision - Engineering O&M planning and supervision - Implementation of standard procedures and guidelines - Energy management - GIS and Surveying - Preparation of operation and maintenance manual for water and waste water treatment plants and Hydraulic Structures - Sewerage systems - Water Resources studies and Water Supply Systems - Water conveyance tunnels and water and power transmission pipeline.
- Procurement Services : Procurement planning and management - Procurement engineering - Purchasing (includes MR, TBE, TBA & PO) - Expediting and inspection services - Logistics management and customs - Supply chain management, shipment, deposit and transportation - Subcontract and suppliers services.
- Construction Services : Construction planning management, Logistic, machinery management, Quality control and assurance management, System analysis and daily monitoring to improve the performance, Quality monitoring and enforcement of standards, Internal and External Audits, Contract Management includes MTO, BOQ, invoices and Subcontract Management, Project archive and documentation, Project cost control and preparing project financial performance reports, Evaluating project managers’ performance, Recruiting and allocating resources between workshops in site.
- Financing Services : OMRAB in cooperation by international banks and financial associations is keen to finance projects on the basis of international terms.
In this regard risk identification and allocation is a key component of project finance. Regardless of contract type (BOT, BOO, BOOT and Finance) the location of project and accordingly rate of charging creditable international covering insurance, play main role in negotiations of project financing.
- The key operation and maintenance (O&M) Services offered: Operation & Maintenance, both short term and long term, Spare Parts supply, Reduction in waste production, Control software optimization, Quality management and assurance, Plant performance and process optimization, Reduction in energy usage, Reduction in chemicals usage, Reduction of downtime, Achievement of the highest quality product, SCADA, PLC, automatic and manual operation, Development of Reporting Procedures, Waste recycle and Management, Maintenance of performance and maintenance records.
- Energy : Utility and auxiliaries of power plants, petrochemical, industrial complex, shipyards and airports include effluent sewage treatment plant and water supply - Transmission line, Booster pumps station, Storage tanks of Oil and Gas industries - Overhead & underground power transmission line, distribution GIS and conventional substations.
- Water - Environment : Urban and residential water and sewerage treatment plants - Water transmission line, reservoir tank, water intake, forward and booster pump stations and irrigation system - Sewerage trunk line - Potable water distribution network, surface water collection system - Sewerage distribution network, storm water, lifting & forward pumps.
- Infrastructure : Dam and Hydro power plant and, power generation plants - Harbour, Ports and Breakwater - Water supply tunnel and diversion tunnel - Industrial, Residential, Commercial and Sport complex - Medical centers and Hospitals.

number of visits : 278
Date of Registration : 1399-07-09
Expiration date : 1404-07-10

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