Faran Electronics Ind.

Faran Electronics Ind.

Subject: Manufacturer of electronic, telecommunication and computer equipments

Province: Tehran

Address: FARAN Building ,Noavari 20th Street ,Pardis Technology Park ,Tehran to Pardis freeway,Damavand road ,Shahid babaee highway ,Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 71327 ، 021 - 76 25 08 18

Fax: 021 - 76 25 08 28

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Telegram : @ FARANadv - Instagram : @farancorp

More Information: Faran Electronics Industries was established in 1989 with the aim of producing electronic, telecommunication and computer equipments. The name Faran is derived from the Hebrew name of Mount Jabal al-Nour, where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was missioned there. (Taken from the text of the prayer of Samat).
The main focus of Faran Electronics Industries is the production and distribution of UPS, battery and other equipment, including stabilizers and inverters, in order to transfer technical and technological know-how to the country, as well as to produce better quality and more affordable equipment than It has also entered into joint production contracts with several reputable European and Asian companies.
Products :
- UPS : Line Interactive , Online , On line low frequency , 3phase .
- Battery : Sealed Lead Acid , Nickel Cadmium , Lead Acid , Gel .
- Stabilizer : Stabilizer AVR , Stabilizer SDR .
- Renewable Energy : Solar Panel , Wind Turbine , Inverter , Charger , LED Lighting , Accessories .
- solar PV systems

number of visits : 1246
Date of Registration : 1395-09-21
Expiration date : 1404-11-01

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