Middle East Shams

Middle East Shams

Subject: Trade, production, export and import

Province: Tehran

Address: NO.1, Shadmehr St., Azadi St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 00 98 72 ، 021 - 66 02 44 09

Fax: 021 - 66 00 15 01

More Information: The Japan Tehran Company started its activities in 2012 in Iran and it was registered The Middle East Shams Tale Company to carry out activities in field of trading , production , exports and imports. Business literally means " the society's convenience" which help countries to rise and develop. Therefore; commerce is very important to all countries for the purpose of trading. By expanding mankind's necessities and also commercial relationships, business has moved beyond the normal life of people and it has spread between different nationalities. The Shams Tale Middle East Company is active in this field and by having a good interaction with other countries in field of trade and by following the resistance economy, it hopes to boost business in our beloved country by meeting the needs of humanity as a driver of the production cycle and take a positive step and effective step in countries economy.
On the basis of economic principles it's not economical for each country to manufacture and produce all its needs. Countries use this commercial leverage to protect their resources and interests and also prevent them from being wasted. Sometimes this is not really possible for some countries to produce some of their goods and it is not possible for them to produce raw materials. Thus; some countries try to eliminate country's requirements by working in imports. The Shams Tale Company is trying to meet the basis needs of the country's manufacturing plans by importing raw materials such as carrageenan powder ( can be used in jelly, pastry and caramel ) , jelly powder , cocoa powder, a variety of industrial machinery and ice cream stick.
The Shams Tale Middle East Company exports include: Carpet and handicrafts to China and Indonesia and foodstuffs like baby food to China and macaroni to Iraq. In this world export is an economical development engine in countries. When the country's economy is more advanced, its productivity is higher and it plays a more effective role in GDP growth and its ability to compete internationality increase. Also liquidity stimulates foreign trade mechanism to implement economic development programs and meet imported needs.

number of visits : 1076
Date of Registration : 1399-09-22
Expiration date : 1404-09-26

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