Taknama Electronic Ind.

Taknama Electronic Ind.

Subject: Production in digital audio and video openers - Production of mechanized cash registers

Province: Alborz

Address: No.214, Golestan 10, Baharestan Industrial Town, Kamalshahr, Karaj - IRAN

Phone: 026 - 34137 ، 026 - 34 76 02 88

Fax: 026 - 34 76 05 19

More Information: Taknama Electronic Industries was established in 2001 in order to produce digital audio and video openers according to the needs of the Iranian society and presented its products to the consumer market under the Taknama brand.
These products are designed by experienced Iranian engineers and the entire production process is done in this company.
The research and development department of Tak Nama Company, using the latest world knowledge and capabilities of efficient engineers, is designing and improving the quality of performance in Tak Nama video openers, and providing quality and cost-effective products with special capabilities, as well as Provision of nationwide after-sales service and a 36-month product warranty is proof of this claim.
Also, the research and development department of the company, using the latest world knowledge and capabilities of efficient engineers and needs assessment of the country's current market, has produced the first mechanized cash register using unique technology, which is one of the most sophisticated and efficient technologies of the day. Is the world.

number of visits : 377
Date of Registration : 1400-02-28
Expiration date : 1404-03-04

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