Turbogenerator Co.

Turbogenerator Co.

Subject: Design, manufacture and reconstruction of high and low pressure electric machines and power plant generators

Province: Semnan

Address: Shahroud Turbogenerator Company, Engineer Amerian St., Industrial Town, Shahroud - IRAN

Phone: 023 - 32 51 12 37 - 39 ، 023 - 32 51 13 96 - 97 ، 021 - 88 67 64 75 - 76

Fax: 023 - 32 51 12 40 ، 021 - 88 79 86 95

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: 0901 - 111 52 50

More Information: Shahroud Turbogenerator Company, relying on God Almighty and relying on the expertise and belief of talented forces and benefiting from the experiences of two decades of continuous activity of its experts in the design, construction and reconstruction of high and low pressure electric machines and power plant generators play an important role in projects The great country has been in charge. Therefore, in order to meet the needs and desires of employers and with unique capabilities such as reducing the duration of the order and also the competitive quality of products with foreign samples has succeeded in obtaining the approval of private and government organizations in order to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. Slowly
Services :
- Design, construction and reconstruction of AC electric machines, low voltage and medium voltage and high voltage and DC electric motors in accordance with IEEE and IEC standards
- Construction of power generator busbars and windings up to 400MVA and service and overhaul of the rotor and stator at the client site
- Carrying out service and overhaul operations of MV and HV electric motors, transformers on the client site and in the contractor's workshop
- Perform stator and rotor winding operations of all electric machines in accordance with IEEE and IEC standards
- Construction of hydrogen cooling bus according to IEEE and IEC standards
- Redesign of electric cars, including MV electric motors, and existing generators and transformers for new license plates and take relevant measures
- Vibration analysis and provide a proposal to eliminate vibration and perform the above measures
- Manufacture of parts for the above electrical machines such as shell, core, coil, shaft, slip ring, cap and collector door and all accessories including cooling and impeller
- Design, manufacture and winding of all types of hermetic and dry conservative transformers up to 60,000 volts

number of visits : 379
Date of Registration : 1400-02-28
Expiration date : 1404-03-04

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